The booking process is simple. Select your Fixture from our list of Upcoming Fixtures that fits your Schedule & Budget! Once you order, you'll receive a passport for to fill in, once that's done we'll get to work carefully putting together the best weekend of your life for you.

No, our packages only include flight and match tickets. However we do provide recommendations of local hotels which we think may be suitable.

Timings differ, but they are usually two nights, giving you plenty of time to explore the European city.

We will send you the passport form shortly after you place your order. Once you fill this out, we will confirm your booking and send across the tickets shortly afterwards. We aim to have with you within 24 hours of ordering.

Once your booking is confirmed, changes or cancellations are not allowed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Unfortunately we offer no cancellation policy, unless you're subscribed to ourAir Club

Currently, meals and accommodation are not included in the package. Although we will send cheap hotel options with your order confirmation.

At present, we have trips available from all of the major airports in the UK. When ordering, you are asked to select which airport is closest to you. This will be the airport you fly from, and return to.

You will need to bring a valid passport, the boarding pass that you'll be emailed and any necessary documents required for entry into the destination country. We recommend checking the requirements for your destination before your trip.

We recommend booking your package as early as possible to ensure availability and to have time to prepare for your trip.

Yes! Just increase the quantity on your order, and add their passport details as well as yours at checkout. We'll always try to ensure you're sat together on flights and at the ground!